I hereby exercise my legal right to make any and all DMCA claims made against myself and my organization public. It is assumed the claimant is aware of the ramifications when making DMCA claims especially false ones. It is assumed the claimant is aware that legal DMCA take down notices are public knowledge. It is assumed the claimant is aware of the appropriate steps that can be taken to prevent any and all personal information of the claimant from being made public. Claim [7/11/23]: Reporter's Name: No** Na*** Copyright Holder's Name: No** Na*** Reporter's Email Address: n****s@gmail.com Reporter's Telephone Number: 873200**** Reporter's Address: **** ***** ** ********, Quebec, Sherbrooke, CA Reported URLs: https://nbrp.city/ Original Work: Hello, I'm looking to report the use of copyrighted material and the use of a website to profit off of content not owned or copyrighted by the website nbrp.city. Currently, the owner of nbrp.city is using the website to profit off of work we had done together but not reimbursed me for. Melissa signed a contract with me, guaranteeing me a 35% share of all profits, which she instead kept for herself and lied about the total earnings of the project. On discovery of this, I requested she pay me the amount due, and after she ignored requests to pay this, I took her to court in Quebec, Canada, where she was found liable for 15,000 CAD + other fees and interest. A list of direct links: https://nbrp.city/static/img/slider/slider_img01.png https://nbrp.city/static/img/logo/logo.png https://nbrp.city/static/img/others/breadcrumb_img02.png http://dka575ofm4ao0.cloudfront.net/pages-transactional_logos/retina/655714/logo_2.png https://upcdn.io/kW15bME/raw/uploads/logo_bronze.png https://upcdn.io/kW15bME/raw/uploads/logo_silver.png https://upcdn.io/kW15bME/raw/uploads/logo_gold.png https://upcdn.io/kW15bME/raw/uploads/logo_platinum.png https://upcdn.io/kW15bME/raw/uploads/logo_diety.png Response [7/11/23]: My client owns all content produced at the mentioned URL's. This is just another poor delusional attempt from a now disgruntled volunteer under the project. Any work(s) produced by anyone under the project belongs to the project even after their departure. This is not a valid DMCA request this is just a fraudulent attempt to make a fake civil case "DMCA". I have cross-examined documents provided in previous claims all of which turned up no valid case numbers or legal resolutions as claimed even having contacted the claimants municipality where such "resolutions" were made. This individual should be ignored going forward as this is now the third fraudulent claim made against my client. All content on my clients website has been examined and cleared of any infringements. You can view the DMCA certificate provided here: https://www.dmca.com/Protection/Status.aspx?ID=7c258afd-6dad-4d14-9487-16e81c7f6a17&refurl=https://nbrp.city/ Resolution [7/11/23]: Case Closed Not a valid DMCA, the case is a civil matter not a violation of DMCA