I hereby exercise my legal right to make any and all DMCA claims made against myself and my organization public. It is assumed the claimant is aware of the ramifications when making DMCA claims especially false ones. It is assumed the claimant is aware that legal DMCA take down notices are public knowledge. It is assumed the claimant is aware of the appropriate steps that can be taken to prevent any and all personal information of the claimant from being made public. Claim [6/17/23]: Reporter's Name: No** Na*** Copyright Holder's Name: No** Na*** Reporter's Email Address: n****s@gmail.com Reporter's Telephone Number: 873200**** Reporter's Address: **** ***** ** ********, Quebec, Sherbrooke, CA Reported URLs: https://nbrp.city/ Original Work: Hello, I'm looking to report the use of copyrighted material and the use of a website to profit off of content not owned or copyrighted by the website nbrp.city. This includes logos, banners, written copy, and various links to drives and Google documents containing my original work and assets that I produced for the project under the expectation of financial compensation. A list of direct links: https://nbrp.city/static/img/slider/slider_img01.png https://nbrp.city/static/img/logo/logo.png https://nbrp.city/static/img/others/breadcrumb_img02.png http://dka575ofm4ao0.cloudfront.net/pages-transactional_logos/retina/655714/logo_2.png https://upcdn.io/kW15bME/raw/uploads/logo_bronze.png https://upcdn.io/kW15bME/raw/uploads/logo_silver.png https://upcdn.io/kW15bME/raw/uploads/logo_gold.png https://upcdn.io/kW15bME/raw/uploads/logo_platinum.png https://upcdn.io/kW15bME/raw/uploads/logo_diety.png Response [6/17/23]: After having cross examined information provided by the municipal of the claimee with the documents provided by the claimee, no such verification was met as suggested by the claimee. Cross examination has proven nothing more other than these claims to be falsified and/or not be honored under Title 17; Copyright Law of the United States. Any work done by an employee while working for our client would be covered under an employers fair rights giving them rights to any work produced by an employee even after their departure. Copyright Law has no legal merit here. With all of this being said, our client has produced receipts paid to Mr. Noor Nahas via the PayPal platform in the amount of 622.99CAD (TransactionID: 9DU53760C00737907) dated; September 11, 2022. This was reimbursement for the expenses incurred for the work mentioned above to a graphics designer on the platform Fiverr. My client legally retains all rights to the media produced from that transaction. Thank You. [Attached File] https://i.gyazo.com/db9e18304f60f169493422c7da4fa2ae.png Resolution [6/18/23]: Hello, This abuse case is now closed. We appreciate your business and please let us know if you should require further assistance. ***** ****** Content Moderator Hivelocity Abuse Dept. 888-***-*** | https://hivelocity.net/