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When to make an assist

Below are the guidelines when requesting an assist in game:

When to place an assist:
- House requests.
- Carnados.
- Doors locked at hospital.
- Under the world.
- If stated in tickets for refunds etc..
- Other wise, if it requires a clip, file a ticket.

When to place tickets:
- RDM / VDM.
- Cop baiting.
- Reporting a player.
- Reporting an officer.
- Technical bugs to be brought to our attention. (Issues with jobs/cars etc)
- Literally anything to do with someone breaking rules.

Examples of invalid assists:
- "Help me".
- "Pls help me".
- My car wont let me in.
- "Can someone look at my ticket".
- "I have a question"

If your assist has anything to do with someone breaking the rules, you are expected to play out the scene, not breaking character or going OOC. This includes not making remarks such as "Enjoy your flight, im reporting you". There is a process to reporting this and its expected to be followed.  

Lastly, In your assists, BE SPECIFIC. We will not answer "please help / help / I'm stuck". If you aren't specific, you won't get help and spamming assists will get you commed/banned. Admins have a specific timeframe to accept assists, if your assist gets cancelled, it is because no one is available. File a ticket instead and do not continue to place your assist.

Category: FAQ

assist help

Published By: poizon.ivy__

Updated On: 11/04/2023 15:17